
The light (or optical) microscope is the icon of science. The aphorism "seeing is believing" is often quoted in scientific papers involving microscopy. Unlike many scientific instruments, the light microscope will deliver an image however badly it is set up. Fluorescence microscopy is a widely used research tool across all disciplines of biological and biomedical science. Most universities and research institutions have microscopes, including confocal microscopes. This introductory paper in a series detailing advanced light microscopy techniques explains the foundations of both electron and light microscopy for biologists and life scientists working with the mouse. An explanation is given of how an image is formed. A description is given of how to set up a light microscope, whether it be a brightfield light microscope on the laboratory bench, a widefield fluorescence microscope, or a confocal microscope. These explanations are accompanied by operational protocols. A full explanation on how to set up and adjust a microscope according to the principles of Köhler illumination is given. The importance of Nyquist sampling is discussed. Guidelines are given on how to choose the best microscope to image the particular sample or slide preparation that you are working with. These are the basic principles of microscopy that a researcher must have an understanding of when operating core bioimaging facility instruments, in order to collect high-quality images. © 2020 The Authors. Basic Protocol 1: Setting up Köhler illumination for a brightfield microscope Basic Protocol 2: Aligning the fluorescence bulb and setting up Köhler illumination for a widefield fluorescence microscope Basic Protocol 3: Generic protocol for operating a confocal microscope.

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