
AbstractThis paper describes the fundamental concepts of the language processor generator MYLANG. The language machine in the classical automaton theory is used as the practical model. An algebra is introduced to handle the model easily, and a machine is constructed which can synthesize the model as an algebraic computation. As the algebra for the machine model, the semilinear algebra, i.e., an algebra close to the linear algebra on the language semiring is introduced. The hierarchy of the classes or machine models described by that algebra is examined. The machine model realizing the language processor generated by MYLANG and also realizing MYLANG itself are located at the highest hierarchy, and are constructed in a hierarchical way from the machine models in the lower classes. First, the multiple sequential‐transducer system is given as the syntax‐directed translator. Then some additional mechanisms are combined with this class of machines. Its generator is given as the class of machines of that kind. Finally, the attributes are introduced, and the class of machines aimed at is given as the attributed syntax‐directed translator. Its generator is specified as the class of machines of that kind.

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