
1. 1. Hair bulb pigment cells of agouti mice produce yellow melanin at a certain period of hair development and black melanin during the rest of hair development. 2. 2. A comparison has been made of the incorporation of different labeled compounds during the functional change, grains being counted per unit area. Yellow pigment cells take up more sulfhydryl compounds ( 35S-GSH, 35S-cysteine) and less melanin precursors ( 14C-tyrosine, 14C-DOPA). There is no difference in the uptake of 14C-serine, 14C-leucine, and 35SO 4 between yellow and black pigment cells. 3. 3. Sulfhydryl compounds are incorporated to a larger extent into yellow than into black melanin. 4. 4. There is no rhythmical change in the metabolism of black nonagouti pigment cells. They have the same properties as the agouti pigment cells in the black phase. 5. 5. The findings are discussed in relation to melanogenesis and to the control of agouti pigment cell function.

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