
The article covers the issues of defining the functions of the state. The author notes that the study of state functions is burdened by certain problems such as the uncertainty of the definition of "state function", the lack of a generally accepted classification of the phenomenon, understanding of the essence and meaning in the modern state. The main historical stages of changing approaches to the concept of state functions are demonstrated. The concept of state functions as directions of state activity is revealed on the basis of doctrinal approaches of domestic and foreign scientists. A critique of the position of identifying the concept of "state function" with the activities of individual public authorities is presented. The definition that the functions of the state reveal the essence of the state is demonstrated. The definition of the functions of the state as the main, socially significant areas of its activities, due to the objective needs of social development, which are a means of internal and external tasks, which express and specify the essence of the state as a complex social system. It is emphasized that the signs of the function of the state are the main socially significant areas of its activity; constant substantive activity, which is inherent in the state during all or a certain stage of existence, ie the content of each function of the state consists of a set of homogeneous aspects of state activity; reflect the essence and social purpose of the state, ie the functions of the state reveal the main features of the state, and the social purpose of the state characterizes the goal facing the state; have an objective character that is directly related to the functions of tasks and goals, which are generated by the need of the state to respond to the influence of internal and external environment; are systemic as the state is a complex multilevel system; carried out by its inherent methods and forms.

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