
The scope of the functions of taxes and the entire tax system has not been precisely defined by the Legislator.Both fiscal and non-fiscal goals/functions are implemented by the tax system. Ensuring budget revenues to fulfillthe redistributive function is the foundation of the tax law system. On the other hand, all tax law norms also fulfillmany other functions, including: stimulation, development, protection, social or political. However, the indicatedfunctions are implemented by general legal norms, in particular public law – tax law, through public finance ties and units. Constitutional guarantees regarding the manner and procedure of shaping tax law provisions ensurethe security of citizens/taxpayers with regard to public law obligations. The statutory exclusivity in shaping taxesand other public levies provides a guarantee for counteracting the authoritarian imposition of „universal financialobligations” on citizens (entities from the sphere of private l aw).The issue to be analyzed is to determine whether fiscal and non-fiscal functions can be entrusted by the State toentities from the sphere of private law – including: commercial law companies with State Treasury participation.The actual entrustment of such functions would take place outside parliamentary control and without regard tothe requirements and regulations applicable to public finance entities and units. Additionally, the takeover and,consequently, the implementation of non-fiscal functions (e.g. stimulating or political) by commercial law companieswould be in violation of the provisions regulating business activity and the standards regulating the functioningof commercial law companies.In practical terms, the way civil law relations are shaped by companies with State Treasury participation, whichactually implement State monopolies, may result in the imposition of general, additional, economically unjustifiedfinancial burdens on citizens and private entities.

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