
Problem setting. The question of functions in the legal doctrine attracts the attention of scientists for a long time. At the same time, it is safe to state that the functions are inherent in any legal phenomena. Today, despite widespread research in the field of wages, the issue of local regulation of wage labor lacks a proper level of coverage. We would like to emphasize that this problem not only has not lost its relevance, but in the conditions of radical economic reform in Ukraine is filled with new content. Analysis of resent researches and publications. With regard to the direct functions of legal regulation of remuneration, their research was undertaken by such scholars as L. I. Antonov, N. O. Brilliantov, S. S. Karinsky, R. I. Kondratiev, F. M. Leviant, A. I. Protsevsky, NB Bolotina, G.I. Chanysheva, V.M. Bozhko, Ya.V. Simutina, A.O. Gordeyuk, A.V. Gaevaya and others. However, the problems existing in this area, including in the area of remuneration, determine the relevance of the issue, and their scientific research is timely and practically necessary. Target of research The main idea of research functions of local regulation of wages is an attempt to build them in such a logical sequence, which will realize the transition from the most significant, which led to the development and adoption of local level legislation on wages, to the least significant in the implementation of the social orientation of local legal regulation of wages pay. Target of research The main idea of research functions of local regulation of wages is an attempt to build them in such a logical sequence, which will realize the transition from the most significant, which led to the development and adoption of local level legislation on wages, to the least significant in the implementation of the social orientation of local legal regulation of wages pay. Article’s main body. The history of local acts regulating labor remuneration reaches its roots back in the nineteenth century. It is this kind of acts that arose among the first on par with those that regulate the internal routine. The purpose of their development and adoption is to create a connecting link between the employer and the subject who carries out work activities. The main purpose of a local act is to ensure increased productivity through its objective assessment of labor and further stimulation. So, the primary function of local regulations governing wages is the function of an objective assessment at the last. Conclusions and prospects for the development. As you can see, the functions of local regulation of wages should emphasize the specifics of this phenomenon, to show the inherent properties of it. As a result of the study of social, economic, legal assignment of functions we can conclude that local regulation is most effective in solving wage issues. They are quite diverse and have peculiar features that distinguish them not only from the general legal, institutional, but also from the functions of local norms in general. The alternating increase in the influence of one or another function is due to the historical era, economic peculiarities of the actions of employers, within the competence of which the norms of local acts are adopted and implemented. Despite the lack of identity by the power of influence on regulated relationships, none of the functions considered can be separated from others, because each of them is logically linked to another and in many ways they determine the effectiveness of each other.

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