
The following article gives a short overview of some functions of vocal sounds in video games. The sound of voices contributes to the realization of fictitious game worlds, since it makes the fictitious world appear significantly more real. I briefly cover the atmospheric and emotional function of the sound of voices as well as how they are utilized in video games for supporting characters. In lieu of discussing dialogues and linguistically conveyed information, I focus on the sound of voices and their influence in generating feelings and moods, and thus how they contribute to a deepening of the immersion of the player. These considerations are based on Michel Chion's concept that sound may have an added value—the recipient assigns a special meaning to a sound, which enriches the audiovisual experience. For this purpose, I analyze a number of games in short case studies in regard to their utilization of vocal sounds with added value. The research is further contextualized through Karen Collins's concept of embodied cognition, as discussed in her seminal work Playing with Sound: A Theory of Interacting with Sound and Music in Video Games and “Making Gamers Cry: Mirror Neurons and Embodied Interaction with Game Sound.”

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