
The Russian invasion of Ukraine fundamentally changed the lives of Ukrainians, and also made significant adjustments to the work and development of poultry farming, which requires the study of issues related to the consistency of the vectors of development of the industry with public interests and determines the need to justify the further directions of the development of the industry, taking into account its state and the domestic situation and foreign markets. The purpose of the work is to establish the state of poultry farming in the conditions of martial law and outline the prospects for the development of poultry enterprises, taking into account the competitive environment in the domestic and foreign markets. The material for analytical research was published works in the specified direction; the methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach to uncovering the state of functioning of poultry enterprises based on methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific generalization. In connection with the military actions of the aggressor country, the poultry industry has undergone negative changes, which are manifested in the loss of production potential, the growth of risks in the actual absence of financial support and the significant deterioration of investment support. The analysis of the work of a number of poultry enterprises shows not only their activities in terms of production products for domestic and foreign markets, but also establishing the release of new types of products, cooperation with charitable foundations and organizations, export of products. The entry of Ukrainian poultry products into new export markets is an important tool for economic support of our producers during the war. Large domestic manufacturers must establish new logistics routes for exporting their products. The materials of the article are of practical value for poultry enterprises of various capacities for choosing ways and directions for further development and restoration of functioning.

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