
The great amounts of finds comprising lithic artefacts, faunal remains, figurative arts and architectural remains from Gönnersdorf suggest this site was repeatedly occupied as a base camp over a period of many years. This study examines activities performed at Gönnersdorf K-II based on traceological analysis. The intensive, diverse usewear traces observed on the lithic assemblage indicate that a series of activities including hunting, butchery, processing of carcass remains, and stone-working was conducted at Gönnersdorf. This result contrasts with scarcity of usewear traces on flint artefacts at Eyserheide and also with the evidence of the specific function as a hunting camp at Bois Laiterie cave, which are both reconstructed on the basis of traceological investigations. Thus, this study shows completely different aspects of Magdalenian sites represented by traces on the lithic assemblages. The functional variability reflects a glimpse of the complementary site functions within the Magdalenian settlement-subsistence system in north-western Europe.

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