
Aim . Complex estimation of the ecological role of shrubs in the structure-functional relationships of arid complexes of the Northwest of the Caspian lowland. Location. Coastal ecosystems of the Northwest of the Caspian lowland. Methods. The complex of modern methods of studing soil samples for the seasonal dynamics of humidity is used, humus content ( for Tyrin ),dry salts of residue, chlorid ions (for Mour),sulfate ions of gravimetic method (arinushkina, 1971), ions of calcium and magnesium and the amount of sodium and potassium (workshop on soil science 1980),total alkali. To estimate the rate of decomposition of two methods: exposure in soil samples of filter paper and bags of hay (Wiegert and Evans, 1964; Schadler and Brandl, 2005 and atc.) Soil respiration, reflecting its respiratory potential assessed in the laboratory on volumetric respirometer according to the procedure respirometry (Klekowski, 1975). Production plants was determined by standard methods of Geobotany and Ecology of Plants (Браун, 1957; Быков, 1952, 1978; Быков, Головина, 1965; Раменский, 1966, 1971 and atc.) In the study or the animal population used a set of specific methods of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the number and diversity of species common to the sites (Бородин, Абатуров, Магомедов, 1981; Магомедов, Ахтаев, 1989 Чельцов-Бейбутов, Осадчая, 1960; Кудрин, 1971; Захаров, 1976; Постников, 1955; Тупикова, Емельянова,1975). Features of the use of these methods in detail in the literature(Кожанчиков,1961; Козлов, Нинбург, 1971;Фасулати, 1971; Мал-федьен, 1965; Walker, 1957). Results. Seasonal shows comparative characteristics of the dynamics of physical and chemical parameters of the soil horizons, the structure of the vegetation cover and composition of the population of animals is functionally related to growing trees and shrubs – the types and gradient salinity, degree of aridity, features of the macro- and mesorelief of territory under the Northwest Caspian lowland. Main conclusions . In arid zones of the Northwest Caspian lowland as agent cenosoeducational process are overgrown and some specimens of tree and shrub of tamarisk and nitraria. They form a complex mosaic ecotone relief with various types of water-salt regime of soils, vegetation and structure of the animal population. Phytogenic mosaicism vegetation of cover, obligated growing here owes treelike shrubs, is an important determinant of species diversity, especially plant phenology and productivity of pastures, the over biological diversity and the structure of the animal population of arid areas of west Caspian lowland. An important regulatory inf luence on the development of processes has biogeocenotic animals and participation in a single complex with the main cenosoeducational system is thicket of shrubs. In theoretical terms, quantitative evalution processes cenosoeducational features comprehensive environment is forming activity of animals and plants and their cenotic complexes represent an important functional characteristic of arid lands of the territory. Comprehensive, scientific substantiation, properly planned development of these paeticulary sensitive man of semidesert systems, prediction of their changes in the short and in the long term is impossible without knowledge of the mechanisms their functioning and stability.


  • To estimate the rate of decomposition of two methods: exposure in soil samples of filter paper and bags of hay (Wiegert and Evans, 1964; Schädler and Brandl, 2005 and atc.) Soil respiration, reflecting its respiratory potential assessed in the laboratory on volumetric respirometer according to the procedure respirometry (Klekowski, 1975)

  • Production plants was determined by standard methods of Geobotany and Ecology of Plants (Браун, 1957; Быков, 1952, 1978; Быков, Головина, 1965; Раменский, 1966, 1971 and atc.) In the study or the animal population used a set of specific methods of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the number and diversity of species common to the sites (Бородин, Абатуров, Магомедов, 1981; Магомедов, Ахтаев, 1989 Чельцов-Бейбутов, Осадчая, 1960; Кудрин, 1971; Захаров, 1976; Постников, 1955; Тупикова, Емельянова,1975)

  • Seasonal shows comparative characteristics of the dynamics of physical and chemical parameters of the soil horizons, the structure of the vegetation cover and composition of the population of animals is functionally related to growing trees and shrubs – the types and gradient salinity, degree of aridity, features of the macro- and mesorelief of territory under the Northwest Caspian lowland

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Весна Осень

Заросли, и отдельные растущие кустарники выступают в качестве мощных факторов способствующих отмыванию почв от легкорастворимых солей. В результате этих процессов в условиях засоленных почв аридных территорий Северо-Западного Прикаспия в системе кустарниковых зарослей тамарикса или их отдельных крупных кустарников формируются участки или отдельные пятна слабо- и среднесолонцеватых почв. В этих условиях древовидные кустарники, за счет накопления дополнительной влаги и «покровного эффекта», способствуют значительному рассолению и дополнительному увлажнению почв, повышению ее биологической активности и продуктивности. Показателем большей биологической активности почв в кустарниковых зарослях и в горизонтах под кронами отдельно растущих кустарников, является более высокое содержания здесь валового гумуса (в различных условиях от 1,96 ± 0,15 до 8,27 ± 0,32%), значительно превышающий таковые по открытым участкам соседствующего поля (соответственно от 1,61 ± 0,08 до 4,28 ± 0,16 %). Оцениваемое как потребление кислорода или продукция углекислого газа, является одним из лучших показателей процессов рециркуляции органического вещества и/или активности почв. Soil respiration rate at 60% test sites relative of humidity to temperature regimes 26оС and 16 оС

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