
Functional response of Harmonia dimidiata (Fab.) to melon aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was studied in the laboratory at 25 ± 0.5 °C, 70 ± 5% RH and 12L:12D photoperiod. All the predator stages exhibited Type II functional response to the aphid. Based on Rogers’s random predator equation the predator’s attack rate was lowest (0.128) in the first-instar and highest (0.21) in the adult stage. Handling times of the adult beetle and the fourth-instar (0.148 and 0.164 h, respectively) were much shorter than other stages. The maximum number of aphids that could be consumed over a period of 24 h by first, second, third and fourth instar; and adult of H. dimidiata was estimated to be 47.2, 80.2, 79.7, 146.2 and 161.7 aphids/ predator. Functional response parameters indicate that the adult beetles and the fourth-instar were the most voracious stages and could be important for the biological control of the aphid.

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