
Aphis pomi De Geer, the green apple aphid, is an economic pest of apple and other rosaceae throughout the world. In the present study, functional responses of the syrphids Episyrphus balteatus De Geer, Eristalis tenax(L.), Eristalis interruptus (Poda), and Sphaerophoria scripta (L.), to A. pomi were studied under laboratory conditions to determine their relative predatory potential. The second- and third-instar larvae of the predators were exposed to increasing densities of similar-sized A. pomi nymphs in Petri dishes. Ep. balteatus was found to possess the highest consumption rate followed by Er. tenax, Er. interruptus, and S. scripta. All predator species and stages exhibited a Type II functional response. The coefficients of attack rate and handling time showed an insignificant variation between species and preying stages, suggesting equal potential of the four syrphid species to regulate A. pomi colonies.

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