
Aim: Functional reconstruction of a patient with jaw defect secondary to a large keratocyst enucleation. Methodology: Patient with jaw defect secondary to keratocyst enucleation was exposed to hyperbaric oxygen therapy to assist in jaw bone regeneration. Implants were then placed in the edentulous space. Result: Implants Osseo integrated well in the regenerated jaw and were successfully used for reconstruction. Conclusion: The ravages of pathology can have a devastating effect on oral function in spite of successful ablation of the pathology. Micro vascular techniques and bone grafts or bone substitutes or spontaneous and assisted bone regeneration, answered the questions posed by bony segments or defects. But the ultimate rehabilitation is the complete restoration of dental and oral function. Here, we present a case where implants were successfully used for functional rehabilitation of a patient with regenerated jaw bone defect. Conclusively implants offer a good option in patients with regenerated jaw defects.

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