
Functional NMR imaging of the brains response to a simple visual task has been performed using a fast spin echo (FSE) imaging sequence at 1.5 T. The FSE method refocuses dephasing effects induced by large-scale susceptibility variations, and permits imaging in regions where macroscopic field gradients produce artifacts in gradient echo sequences. At 1.5 T, gradient echo (GRE) sequences are sensitive to the effects of brain activation, but relatively large effects may arise from large vessels and veins, and these may dominate the effects produced by smaller capillaries. Spin echo (SE) sequences with short echo times are relatively immune to large vessel effects and emphasize the susceptibility induced losses from small capillaries, but the imaging time for these sequences is prohibitive for most functional brain studies. We demonstrate that multislice functional brain imaging may be performed in reasonable imaging times at 1.5 T using an FSE imaging sequence. The FSE sequence with short echo spacing but long effective TE is sensitive to susceptibility induced effects at the capillary level. It is not sensitive to larger scale inhomogeneities such as those found in veins and can be used in regions near tissue/air boundaries. Results are shown comparing conventional GRE and FSE images in activation of the visual cortex and these are supported by theoretical calculations and phantom experiments.

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