
This case study of the month demonstrates the possibilities oVered by upright, weight bearing, functional MRI (fmri). This novel, open MR system allows imaging in various positions—along with all conventional techniques. Highlights of the broad application spectrum are diagnostics of the spine and the pelvic Xoor and examinations of claustrophobic or corpulent patients and children who cannot be examined in conventional MRI machines [1–4]. This 42-year-old patient had a long-standing history of low back pain. In the past months, he started experiencing increasing weakness in the right leg while walking. He already had been examined with plain radiographs, which showed a minor anterolisthesis of L3 over L4 (Fig. 1) and a slight right convex scoliosis. The recumbent MRI (Figs. 2, 3) revealed a moderate multi-segmental disc degeneration, primarily at L3/4. However, the cause of the

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