
The functional morphology and feeding behavior of Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers) were studied. The tentacular feeding palps of P. pinnata possess four groups of cilia: laterals, latero-frontal cirri, frontals and basal transverse rows. The lateral cilia beat in metachronal waves creating in current that flows toward the frontal surface of the palp. The latero-frontal cirri deflect suspended particles onto the frontal surface and potentially resuspend deposited particles. The frontal cilia line the groove of the palp and transport particles to the ciliated pharynx. The basal transverse cilia also beat in metachronal waves and together with the frontal cilia of the branchiae produce a “U”-shaped current that removes particles rejected by the pharynx from the burrow. The significance of particle selection at the site of the pharynx in spionid polychaetes is hypothesized to be constrained by the interaction of specific morphologies and behaviors that reduce the effects of epifaunal predation and browsing. The relationship between sediment permeability and type of respiratory or ventilation current is hypothesized to be a potentially important factor in understanding the distribution of spionid polychaetes.

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