
In the context of the formation of an innovative economy, great attention inmanagement in recent years has been paid to the problems of mastering and implementingthe management of an organization based on quality. Quality management is one of thekey functions of both corporate and project management, the main means of achievingand maintaining the competitiveness of any organization. The historical experience of theUSA, Japan, Germany, and a number of other countries shows that ensuring the steady andharmonious development of any enterprise through the use of effective management systemsbased on quality is one of the main levers with which they managed to overcome the economiccrisis and take a strong position in the world market. The research topic is relevant due tothe great importance and significance of the integration mechanisms for the developmentof enterprises and organizations based on quality management. Thus, the construction of afunctional model allows you to develop new solutions for bringing enterprises to a new levelof development. In recent years, the role of quality in ensuring the competitiveness of productsand enterprises has significantly increased, which requires the management of organizationsto develop and implement modern management models that meet the requirements ofinternational and national standards. This article discusses an algorithm for the formationand implementation of a functional model for the development of an organization based onquality management in an educational organization. The feature of quality management policyin an educational organization is analyzed. A process of forming a functional model based onstandardization, which is based on the implementation of interrelated processes that increasethe efficiency of an organization in obtaining the intended goals, is proposed. This articledescribes the algorithm of formation and realization of the functional model of developmentof the organization on the basis of quality management in education. Analyzed features of thepolicy of quality management in educational organizations. The proposed formation process of the functional model on the basis of standardization is based on the implementation of interrelated processes that increase the organization’s effectiveness in obtaining goals.

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