
The article is concerned with the problem of the functional potential of the fictional text, and its activation in the process of literary communication. The functions in terms of the basic, secondary and particular ones have been classified according to their conceptual significance. The functional model of the fictional text includes seven basic functions; aesthetic, communicative, stylistic, cognitive, social, cultural and interpretative, the first one playing the dominant role and subordinating others. The parameterization of the functional model has discovered it's basic characteristics: a) polyfunctionality manifested in multiple diversity of functions; b) hierarchical correlations of functions subdived into basic, secondary and particular functions; c) the formation of the double functions (communicative-pragmatic, cognitive-discursive, cognitive stylistic, sociocultural and others); d) two-level realization of the functional potential: at the level of language means and b) at the level of the whole text. The postulate of fiction polyfunctionality manifested in the system of hierarchical correlation of different types of functions which in combination form and integrated functional semantic field of the whole text, has been grounded. The distinctive features of the functional model of fiction have been outlined. They are: a) the usage of doubled functions conditioned by a complex, multidimensional and interdisciplinary nature of the fictional text; b) differentiation of functions according to the principle of their level realization (the level of the text and that of a linguistic unit): at the level of the whole text the basic functions are used while at the level of the linguistic unit different types of the secondary functions are realized; c) the cluster usage of different functions enhancing and intensifying the pragmatic effect of emotional or intellectual impact on the reader.

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