
We study shot noise processes when the shot noises are weakly dependent, satisfying the ρ-mixing condition. We prove a functional weak law of large numbers and a functional central limit theorem for this shot noise process in an asymptotic regime with a high intensity of shots. The deterministic fluid limit is unaffected by the presence of weak dependence. The limit in the diffusion scale is a continuous Gaussian process whose covariance function explicitly captures the dependence among the noises. The model and results can be applied in financial and insurance risks with dependent claims as well as queueing systems with dependent service times. To prove the existence of the limit process, we employ the existence criterion that uses a maximal inequality requiring a set function with a superadditivity property. We identify such a set function for the limit process by exploiting the ρ-mixing condition. To prove the weak convergence, we establish the tightness property and the convergence of finite dimensional distributions. To prove tightness, we construct two auxiliary processes and apply an Ottaviani-type inequality for weakly dependent sequences.

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