
We undertook a study of molecular interference of nuclear orphan receptors. Nuclear receptor response element-1 (NRRE-1) from the human medium-chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (MCAD) gene promoter was shown to contain three hexamer elements (site 1 through 3) that are known to interact with a number of nuclear receptors including chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor (COUP-TF) and estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha). We demonstrated that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha/9-cis-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PPARalpha/RXRalpha) heterodimer complex can also bind to the two hexamer repeat sequences (between site 1 and site 3) arranged as an everted imperfect repeat separated by 14 bp (ER14). Mutations of the putative core elements have shown that these three sites are differentially involved in ERRalpha and PPARalpha/RXRalpha binding. Homodimer of ERRalpha was shown to interact between site 1 and site 3 (ER14). To date, no nuclear receptor is known to bind to response elements over such long intervals. Interestingly, site 1 was shown to be essential for ERRalpha binding while site 3 supports its binding only in the presence of site 1. Furthermore, it was shown that the binding profile of ERRalpha and PPARalpha/RXRalpha are competitive rather than making a high order complex within NRRE-1. At the cellular level, transcriptional activation driven by the PPARalpha/RXRalpha complex was counteracted by the expression of ERRalpha in HeLa cells. These results suggest that ERRalpha and PPARalpha/RXRalpha could interfere with each other's function through binding to similar DNA elements, thereby finetuning the transcriptional outcome of the target gene. Our findings suggest a mechanism whereby multiple nuclear receptors can activate or repress DNA binding or transcription via a single pleiotropic regulatory element.

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