
We prove theorems on the exact asymptotic forms as u → ∞ of two functional integrals over the Bogoliubov measure μB of the forms $$\int_{C[0,\beta ]} {[\int_0^\beta {|x(t){|^p}dt{]^u}d{\mu _B}(x)} } ,\;\int_{C(0,\beta )} {\exp \left\{ {\mu {{(\int_0^\beta {|x(t){|^p}dt} )}^{a/p}}} \right\}d{\mu _B}(x)} $$ for p = 4, 6, 8, 10 with p > p0, where p0 = 2+4π2/β2ω2 is the threshold value, β is the inverse temperature, ω is the eigenfrequency of the harmonic oscillator, and 0 < α < 2. As the method of study, we use the Laplace method in Hilbert functional spaces for distributions of almost surely continuous Gaussian processes.

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