
The NARC 1 gene encodes a novel proteinase K family proteinase. The domain structure of rat Narc 1 resembles that of the subtilisin-like proprotein convertases (SPCs), except that rNarc 1 lacks the canonical P-domain of SPCs, retaining only the RGD motif as part of what might be a cryptically functioning P-domain. Narc 1 undergoes autocatalytic intramolecular processing at the site LVFAQ↓, resulting in the cleavage of its prosegment and the generation of an active proteinase with a broad alkaline pH optimum and no apparent calcium requirement for activity. Both primary and secondary structural determinants influence Narc 1 substrate recognition. Our functional characterization of Narc 1 reinforces the inference drawn from the analysis of its predicted structure that this enzyme is most closely related to representatives of the proteinase K family, but that it is also sufficiently different to warrant its possible classification in a separate sub-family.

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