
This study aimed to produce four different beverages from okara (soybean by-product) previously hydrolyzed by Cynara cardunculus enzymes and fermented by probiotic bacteria or unfermented beverage. The probiotic viable cells, the isoflavones profile and organic acids were evaluated in the okara beverage. In addition, total phenolic content, antioxidant and ACE inhibitory activities were evaluated at storage time and during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of all beverages. The probiotic was viable throughout storage in all fermented beverages. The significant bioconversion of the isoflavone glycosides into their corresponding bioactive aglycones was observed in fermented beverage. Furthermore, the beverages showed a good ACE inhibitory activity. After gastrointestinal tract, all beverages showed an increase in the antioxidant and ACE inhibitory activities. In conclusion, this study shows that the application of okara for a multifunctional beverage could be a promising strategy in the disease prevention and contribution to a zero waste approach in food industry.

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