
This is the list of all the functional annotations about the 797 nsLTP sequences used for our work Comprehensive classification of the plant non-specific lipid transfer protein superfamily towards its Sequence – Structure – Function analysis. It might be useful for any studies in sequence-structure-function relationships (this is the largest dataset used in a phylogeny study to date). The information is provided as a csv and an xlsx file organized as follows Column A contains the database ID used for our study. Column B contains the nsLTP Type (if available and as stated by initial authors) together with the organism 5 letters code. Column C: LTP name Column D: UniProt page if it exists (URL) Column E: protein sequence (without propeptide) The annotations are displayed in column G to L with ontology (e.g.: GO for Gene Ontology) then the term of the ontology and a link to its description, the level of evidence (see guide : http://geneontology.org/docs/guide-go-evidence-codes/), additional information, reference in the literature (author + article DOI) If a second annotation is available, the same kind of information is added in new columns on the right. NB: Sequence number 526, 600 and 693 were removed during the study (redundancy)

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