
Background: Stroke is a public health issue, which is common and serious problemworldwide. Globally, strokes have high mortality and morbidity rates. In Bangladeshmost of the stroke survivors are functionally dependent and psychologically depressedand anxious. The study was conducted to identify the functional and psychologicaloutcome (anxiety level, depression status) of stroke survivors.Materials and Methods:The study was conducted by using of cross-sectional method. 102 participants wereselected from Neurology unit, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP),Savar, Dhaka. Participants were selected by purposive sampling. All data werecollected through face-to face interview by using a semi structured questionnaire.Results: From the result of the study, it was found that maximum participants were inbetween 51-60 years, 70% participants were male and remaining 30% were female.More than half (73%) were with ischemic stroke. In case of ischemic stroke, 10%respondents were functionally independent, maximum respondents (47%) were majordependent on others. But in hemorrhagic stroke, maximum (64%) were minordependent. Among the participants with hemorrhagic stroke, 36% participants weremoderate anxious where in ischemic stroke 12% respondents were moderate anxious.In ischemic stroke, most of the participants (43%) faced mild depression. On the otherhand, maximum (50%) participants faced mild depression in hemorrhagic stroke. It is found that, good functional outcome but poor psychological outcome in hemorrhagicstroke and vice versa in ischemic stroke.

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