
Abstract Cohesion-tension transport of water is an energetically efficient way to carry large amounts of water from the roots up to the leaves. However, the cohesion-tension mechanism places the xylem water under negative hydrostatic pressure ( P x ), rendering it susceptible to cavitation. There are conflicts among the structural requirements for minimizing cavitation on the one hand vs maximizing efficiency of transport and construction on the other. Cavitation by freeze-thaw events is triggered by in situ air bubble formation and is much more likely to occur as conduit diameter increases, creating a direct conflict between conducting efficiency and sensitivity to freezing induced xylem failure. Temperate ring-porous trees and vines with wide diameter conduits tend to have a shorter growing season than conifers and diffuse-porous trees with narrow conduits. Cavitation by water stress occurs by air seeding at interconduit pit membranes. Pit membrane structure is at least partially uncoupled from conduit size, leading to a much less pronounced trade-off between conducting efficiency and cavitation by drought than by freezing. Although wider conduits are generally more susceptible to drought-induced cavitation within an organ, across organs or species this trend is very weak. Different trade-offs become apparent at the level of the pit membranes that interconnect neighbouring conduits. Increasing porosity of pit membranes should enhance conductance but also make conduits more susceptible to air seeding. Increasing the size or number of pit membranes would also enhance conductance, but may weaken the strength of the conduit wall against implosion. The need to avoid conduit collapse under negative pressure creates a significant trade-off between cavitation resistance and xylem construction cost, as revealed by relationships between conduit wall strength, wood density and cavitation pressure. Trade-offs involving cavitation resistance may explain the correlations between wood anatomy, cavitation resistance, and the physiological range of negative pressure experienced by species in their native habitats.

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