
The article reveals the functional and communicative potential of one-syllable definite-personal sentences as a means of personalizing the subjects of the communicative space of the media message. The application of a complex method of researching monosyllabic sentences based on the functional-communicative approach made it possible to determine that the use of personal monosyllabic sentences in media texts contributes to the personification of the sender of media speech through a marked-personal deixis. Marked-personal deixis, explicated by verb forms of the 1st person, is a means of personalizing the author of a media message and expressing a personified concrete or collective subject of journalistic activity. The marked-personal deixis, explicated by forms of the 2nd person with the meaning of direct addressability, personalizes the addressee of the media message and is realized by the following pragmatic variations of the one-syllable marked-personal sentence: 1) speech addressed to a specific addressee; 2) speech in which the addressee is the subject; 3) narrative in the form of the 2nd person: "YOU"-text represents the discrepancy between the actual creator and the subject of speech -statements belong to the 1st person, and the forms of the 2nd person refer to the imaginary reader who perceives what is said; 4) generalization of personal experience.

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