
To assess the types and degree of functional limitations and activity limitations in patients after ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in the early recovery period, taking into account the type of stroke and the affected vascular pool. 528 patients after a stroke were examined. Functional limitations and activity limitations were assessed in ICF categories, taking into account the type of stroke (hemorrhagic, ischemic) and the affected vascular system (carotid, vertebrobasilar), including dysfunctions (motor, global and specific mental functions, balance function, functions of the cardiovascular system), activity restrictions (limitations of paretic limbs mobility, functional independence from others). To quantify the degree of limitation, generally accepted rating scales were used (Medical Research Council Scale, Modified Ashworth Scale of muscle spasticity, Frenchay arm test, Hauser ambulation index, Rivermead mobility index, Functional Independence Measure, «Memory for images», «Learning 10 words», «Red-black Schulte-Platonov tables», Luscher color test, The hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Recovery Locus of Control), stabilography method, registration of office and outpatient blood pressure. Limitations of the functions of paretic limbs and activity associated with maintaining body position, walking, movement, transfer, manipulation of objects and self-care, dependence on others in everyday life were found in most patients after hemorrhagic stroke (in 94-95%) and ischemic (in 88-93%) stroke in the carotid pool, while more severe disorders were recorded in cases of hemorrhagic type of stroke. Violation of global mental functions was recorded in ¼ of patients, specific mental functions - in 60-75% of patients after hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke in the carotid pool. In ischemic stroke happens in the vertebrobasilar basin, the limitations of the daily activity of patients were determined by the violation of static and dynamic balance; a mild degree of impairment of specific mental functions and limitation of activity (self-service) were also recorded. After a stroke, motor function disorders, mobility limitations of paretic limbs and self-service, postural disorders are recorded. After an ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin, the restrictions on the activity of patients are determined by postural disorders. Taking into account the identified features of functional limitations and activity limitations in patients after a stroke will allow developing a differentiated approach not only to the formation of goals and objectives of rehabilitation, but also to the choice of rehabilitation methods.

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