
The honeybee stinger is a powerful defense mechanism that combines painful venom, a subcutaneous delivery system, and the ability to autotomize. It is a complex organ and to function autonomously it must carry with it all the anatomical components required to operate. In this study, we combined high-speed filming, SEM imagery, and micro-CT for volumetric rendering of the stinger with a synthesis of existing literature. We present a comprehensive description of all components, including cuticular elements, musculature, nervous and glandular tissue using updated imagery. We draw from the Hymenoptera literature to make interspecific comparisons where relevant. The use of 3D reconstruction allows us to separate stinger components and present the first 3D renders of the bee stinger including the terminal abdominal ganglion and its projections. It also clarifies the in-situ geometry of the valves within the bulb and the spatial relationships among the accessory plates and accompanying musculature.

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