
Functional abdominal pain disorders in children: Bridging the gap


  • In early twentieth century, Sir George Frederic Still, known as the father of British Paediatrics, wrote; “I know of no symptom which can be more obscure in its causation than colicky abdominal pain in childhood”

  • We have proposed a disease model named as automatic stomach in functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs) to explain the symptom generation in FAPDs

  • We have evaluated the health care consultations in FAPDs which is an indirect measure of the burden on health economy

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Epidemiology of FAPDs

The first Part my presentation is dedicated to the epidemiology of functional abdominal pain disorders. A recent meta-analysis of 58 epidemiologic studies on abdominal pain conducted from 1957 to 2014, including nearly two hundred thousand children, reported a global pooled prevalence of 13.5 %. Very few studies have reported the prevalence of FAPDs in 5 to 12 age group. An epidemiological study was conducted to determined the Sri Lankan prevalence in 5 to 12 age group. The questionnaires were filled with the help of the research assistants, which increased the accuracy and validity of the research. 653(65.3%) correctly filled questionnaires were included in the analysis. The prevalence FAPDs was 12.6% in 5 - 12 age group. The commonest FAPDs subtype was Functional abdominal pain followed by IBS. The Prevalence of an Abdominal migraine was less than 1% in our cohort

The pain profile showed that majority of the children had
Any type of abuse
Pathophysiology of FAPDs
Triggering pain
Management of FAPDs
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