
Previous work on peripheral sympathetic neurons indicated that a decline in sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) function occurs with advancing age. Therefore, an age-related decline in mechanisms controlling intracellular calcium homeostasis could contribute to altered neuronal function and/or degeneration. In this study we sought to extend the findings on peripheral neurons and to detect possible age-related declines in SERCA function and expression of SERCA3 in central neurons from cerebral cortex from young (6-month) and old (20-month) rats. Functional studies compared ATP-dependent 45Ca2+-uptake into microsomes and plasma membrane vesicles (PMVs). We and found no significant difference in 45Ca2+-uptake between microsomes or PMVs between young and old animals. On the other hand expression of SERCA3 mRNA in rat cerebral cortex showed a significant decline with advancing age. However, comparison of SERCA3 protein content did not reveal a corresponding decline; implying that SERCA mRNA turnover rates may be greater in the younger group. Although the present work with rat cerebral cortex does not indicate an age-related decline in SERCA function, previous work from our laboratory on sympathetic nerves and by others on the hippocampus indicate such a decline. In light of our previous and current studies, aging may affect calcium homeostatic mechanisms in central and peripheral autonomic neurons differently.

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