
We have constructed an optical microscopy system to automatically locate, count, and determine the size of polycrystalline “void” defects on epitaxial layers of HgCdTe grown on CdZnTe or Si substrates. Void macrodefects are readily imaged because their polycrystalline surface is rough, and consequently they scatter light out of the image under specular reflection imaging conditions. Using a computer-controlled stage to move the wafer, a succession of individual, contiguous bright-field images is recorded over the entire wafer. Each image is analyzed by software to locate and characterize all the light-scattering objects present in the frame. Several different representations of the spatial distribution and size of defects are generated, and these can be presented either as false-color density maps or dot-location maps. In addition, various types of statistics on the defect population and size distributions are also available. These data not only convey overall information on the quality of a given wafer, and as such are quite useful for screening to determine which wafers are suitable for array fabrication, but they also allow inferences to be made concerning the origin or root cause of different classes of defects. Several examples are presented to illustrate the use of full-wafer defect mapping to identify macrodefect problems in HgCdTe growth on CdZnTe that can arise from substrate temperature lateral nonuniformity, nonmatched source flux angular distributions, substrate contamination, and intrinsic substrate imperfections.

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