
Computer system designers often evaluate future design alternatives with detailed simulators that strive for functional fidelity (to execute relevant workloads) and performance fidelity (to rank design alternatives). Trends toward multi-threaded architectures, more complex micro-architectures, and richer workloads, make authoring detailed simulators increasingly difficult. To manage simulator complexity, this paper advocates decoupled simulator organizations that separate functional and performance concerns. Furthermore, we define an approach, called timing-first simulation, that uses an augmented timing simulator to execute instructions important to performance in conjunction with a functional simulator to insure correctness. This design simplifies software development, leverages existing simulators, and can model micro-architecture timing in detail.We describe the timing-first organization and our experiences implementing TFsim, a full-system multiprocessor performance simulator. TFsim models a pipelined, out-of-order micro-architecture in detail, was developed in less than one person-year, and performs competitively with previously-published simulators. TFsim's timing simulator implements dynamically common instructions (99.99% of them), while avoiding the vast and exacting implementation efforts necessary to run unmodified commercial operating systems and workloads. Virtutech Simics, a full-system functional simulator, checks and corrects the timing simulator's execution, contributing 18-36% to the overall run-time. TFsim's mostly correct functional implementation introduces a worst-case performance error of 4.8% for our commercial workloads. Some additional simulator performance is gained by verifying functional correctness less often, at the cost of some additional performance error.

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