
No doubt, the COVID-19 outbreak exemplifies ongoing biothreats to humanity as a whole. This necessitates an emergency response towards its remedy because it is heightened in importance and compressed in the time frame. Consequently, significant research efforts have been noticed to tackle this pressing crisis. In this paper, we endeavor to formulate a mathematical model of the transmission of COVID-19. The dynamics of the disease are illustrated by a compartmental model that involves differential equations. The paper also exhibits a mathematical estimation of the future threats induced by COVID-19 universally, which is computed based on the immediate statistical data. We compute the current transmission rate of COVID-19 to be 0.0462, considering the current fertility and mortality of the world population. From the threat estimation, it is expected that the COVID-19 may eliminate around 30% of the current population by the next three years, and it may obliterate nearly 43% of the current population by the next five years.

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