
The paper analyzes the relationship between the global energy transition and the possibilities of Russia and its northern regions to enter the world markets for strategic raw materials and components necessary for a green economy. The acceleration of the energy transition in developed countries leads to an increased demand for strategic metals and their compounds (primarily REM and lithium). Solar and wind energy are becoming the largest energy producers in the world. Thanks to these processes, countries with technological competencies and resource capabilities in the field of «green» metals can significantly strengthen the potential of their own industries[1]producers and consumers of strategic raw materials. The role of technological value chains localized within the country is growing. A feature of Russia is the imbalance between the extraction of strategic mineral raw materials and the production of high-tech products based on it. This means the fragmented nature of value chains. The directions of the evolutionary path of transition to the interaction of different participants in the chain are proposed based on the formation of full-cycle chains focused on creating demand for high-tech raw materials within the country. Thus, the deposits of strategic raw materials in the northern regions of Russia can and should be based on chains «from ore mining to the production of high-tech products».

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