
Human securin (PTTG1) is a protooncogene whose expression is elevated in many types of malignant cells. We previously discovered a minor short isoform of securin lacking exons 3 and 4. The missing exons encode the main recognition site (D-box) of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C). We show that these two PTTG1 isoforms have different effects on transcription. Here, we have studied the effects of overexpression and selective knockdown of the short and complete securin isoforms on cell proliferation using the xCELLigence system. Notably, selective knockdown of the short isoform mRNA led to a dramatic decrease in cell growth, while overexpression of both isoforms accelerated cell growth. To search for genes with alternative isoforms similar to securin, we analyzed the GENCODE database and found that 54 of 128 genes with a PTTG1-like set of APC/C recognition sites have known isoforms without the D-box. Overall, the data obtained indicate the existence of a new class of alternative isoforms and reinstates the importance of minor isoforms.

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