
THE LARGEST AND most important fluid system in an aircraft is the fuel system. Obviously, future aircraft projects involve the design of fuel system to some degree. In this project design methodologies for aircraft fuel systems are studied, with the aim to shortening the system development time.This is done by means of illustrative examples of how optimization and the use of matrix methods have been developed and implemented at Saab Aerospace in the conceptual design of ale fuel systems. The methods introduces automation early in the development process and increase understanding of how top requirements on the ale level impact low-level engineering parameters such as pipe diameter, pump size, etc.The thesis also discusses a systematic approach when building a large simulation model of a fluid system where the objective is to minirnize the development time by applying a strategy that enables parallel development and collaborative engineering, and also by building the mode! to the correct level of detail. By correct level of detail is meant the level that yields a simulation outcome that meets the stakeholders' expectations. The experienced gained at Saab in building a simulation model, mainly from the Gripen fuel system, but also the accumulated experience from other system models, is condensed and fitted into an overall process.

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