
Management of downed woody fuels and snags (standing dead trees) is receiving increasing attention because of their ecosystem values and effects on potential fire behavior. Research has correlated the abundance of many wildlife species with snags and downed woody material but very little information exists of the abundance and arrangement of these forest structures, particularly in unmanaged forests. Conifer forests in northwestern Mexico have not experienced systematic fire suppression or harvesting making them unique in western North America. In 1998, average snag density in Jeffrey pine–mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir (SSPM) National Park was 3.95 snags/ha but 35% of inventoried plots had no snags. In 2002, average snag density significantly increased to 5.10 snags/ha after a multiple-year drought. Average surface and ground fuel loads were 15.8 and 8.7 t/ha, respectively. High variability characterized all snag and fuel attributes measured in this forest. This high amount of variation is probably the result of the relatively intact frequent surface fire regime and because no harvesting has occurred in the sampled area. The patchy distribution of snags observed argues against the application of uniform targets for snag retention across similar forested landscapes. An improvement in management guidelines would be to manage for snag density and large fuels over moderate spatial scales (hundreds of hectares) instead of on a per hectare basis. Forest fragmentation and diverse ownerships in many western United States forests complicates this recommendation. Conservation of the forests in the SSPM is critical because it is the last landscape-scale, old-growth mixed conifer forest in western North America with a relatively intact frequent fire regime.

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