
Summary and Conclusion 1. Fuadin was employed in the treatment of 150 Puerto Rican soldiers harboring Schistosoma mansoni ova in their stools. The patients studied were considered to have mild or moderately severe chronic infections. 2. No cases of schistosomiasis mansoni were encountered in North American troops stationed in Puerto Rico. 3. Fifty-five or 37 per cent of the individuals treated were asymptomatic prior to treatment. In 60 cases, or 40 per cent, the finding of schistosome ova in the stools was incidental to the condition for which the patient was hospitalized. 4. The frequency of various signs and symptoms encountered in ninety-five cases are presented. 5. The drug was given in courses of 45 cc. each, comprising a total of 10 intramuscular injections. The first 3 injections of 1.5, 3.5, and 5 cc. each, were given on successive days and the remaining 7 injections on alternate days. One hundred and fifty cases received 1 course of fuadin; twenty-one cases were given a second course (90 cc.) of therapy and fifteen others received 3 to 6 courses (135 to 270 cc.). 6. Toxic reactions of a mild degree occurred in 30 or 20 per cent of the cases. Two patients developed constitutional reactions. 7. The immediate effect of therapy was as follows: 114 cases or 76 per cent had negative stools after 1 course, and an additional 10 per cent following a second course. 8. Follow-up observations for a period of 1 to 24 months after treatment in 70 unselected cases revealed 39 individuals (56 per cent) with positive stools for schistosome ova and 31 (44 per cent) with no ova in the stools. 9. Fuadin, when given in 1 or 2 courses (45 or 90 cc.), is not a very efficient drug in the treatment of mild, asymptomatic, or moderately severe chronic infections with Schistosoma mansoni, as determined by the presence of ova in the stools.

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