
Factor VII-activating protease (FSAP) is a serine protease in plasma that has a role in coagulation and fibrinolysis. FVII could be activated by purified FSAP in a tissue factor independent manner and pro-urokinase has been demonstrated to be a substrate for purified FSAP in-vitro. However, the physiological role of FSAP in haemostasis remains unclear. More recently FSAP is suggested to be involved in inflammation. It modulates vascular permeability directly and indirectly by the generation of bradykinin. Furthermore, FSAP is activated by dead cells induced by the inflammatory response and subsequently removes nucleosomes from apoptotic cells. FSAP activation can be detected in sepsis patients as well. However, whether FSAP activation upon inflammation is beneficial or detrimental remains an open question. In this review the structure, activation mechanisms and the possible role of FSAP in inflammation are discussed.

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