
We study the frustrated Ising model on the two-dimensional $L \times L$ square lattice with ferromagnetic (FM) nearest-neighbor and antiferromagnetic diagonal-neighbor interactions using the D-wave quantum annealing machine (D-QAM) with 5000+ qubits composed on structure of the Pegasus graph. As the former Monte Carlo and mean field results, we find the FM to stripe order phase transition, through observations of the magnetization $M$, energy, magnetic susceptibility and structure factor. We also analyze probability which occurs any $M$ at a given interaction for many quantum annealing shots to estimate the shape of objective function $f$. The only one value of $M$ with specific phase is observed in the regions far from phase transition for many quantum annealing shots, while several values of $M$ with different possibilities are appeared in the regimes of phase transition. We guess that $f$ in the regimes of phase transition retains the multi-modal structure with several local minimums, due to the strong degeneracies caused by frustrations. Finally, we discuss fail of the quantum annealing simulations, through analysis of the number of the chains, defined as the same variable with $N$-qubits, as a function of $L$.

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