
We studied seasonal change in habitat use by chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. The forest comprises various types of vegetation. For each vegetation type, we compared number of chimpanzees (per km2) that used the vegetation with fruit availability in different census periods. We estimated the number of chimpanzees by nest count and fruit availability via density of fallen fruit. The mixed mature forest contained a large amount of fruit during the high-fruiting season, but it decreased rapidly in the low-fruiting season. The number of chimpanzees also decreased in mixed mature forest in approximate proportion with fruit availability. In the Parinari-dominated mature and secondary forests, both fruit availability and number of chimpanzees were very low throughout the study. In the Musanga-dominated secondary forest, the number of chimpanzees increased toward the low-fruiting season, though the fruit availability decreased slightly. A multiple regression analysis showed that various fruits had significant effects on the number of chimpanzees during the high-fruiting season, while only Musanga leo-errerae had a significant effect during the low-fruiting season. The results suggest that the fruit of Musanga leo-errerae functions as a fallback food, and a combination of different vegetation types supports the chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest.

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