
Part 1 Input-output and econometric models: Lawrence R. Klein: Econometric aspects of Input-Output analysis Clopper Almon: Industrial impacts of macroeconomic policies in the INFORUM model Comparison of two approaches to industry effects of macro developments Industry effects of macroeconomic changes William Peterson: Supply functions in an Input-Output framework. Part 2 Alternative accounting frameworks: Karen R. Polenske: Historical and new international perspectives on Input-Output' accounts Norbert Rainer: Descriptive versus analytical make-use systems -- Some Austrian experiences Reiner St aglin: Towards an Input-Output subsystem for the information sector Solomon I. Cohen: Multiplier analyses in social accounting and Input-Output frameworks: Evidence for several countries. Part 3 Extended models and multiplier decompositions: Jeffry I. Round: Decomposition of Input-Output and economy-wide multipliers in a regional setting Peter W. J. Batey & Melwyn J. Weeks: The effects of household disaggregation in extended Input-Output models Adam Rose & Paul Beaumont: Interrelational income distribution multipliers for the U.S. economy Edward H. Wolff & David R. Howell: Labor quality and productivity growth in the United States: An Input-Output growth-accounting framework. Part 4 Regional, interregional, international issues: Yusuhiko Torii, Seung-Jin Shim & Yutaka Akiyama: Effects of tariff reductions on trade in the Asia-Pacific region William B. Beyers: Structural change in interregional Input-Output models: Form and regional economic development implications Peter Nijkamp & Aura Reggiani: Spatial interaction and Input-Output models: A dynamic stochastic multi-objective framework. Part 5 Measurement error and data scarcity: Randall W. Jackson & Guy R. West: Perpectives on probabilistic Input-Output analysis Ranko Bon: Qualitative Input-Output analysis Michael Sonis & Geoffrey J.D. Hewings: Error and sensitivity Input-Output analysis: A new approach Benjamin H. Stevens, George I. Treyz & Michael L. Lahr: On the comparative accuracy of RPC estimating techniques Janusz Szyrmer: Trade-off between error and information in the RAS procedure. Part 6 Measurement and implications of technological change: Faye Duchin: An Input-Output approach to analyzing the future economic implications of technological change Peter D. Blair and Andrew W. Wyckoff: The changing structure of the U.S. economy: An Input-Output analysis Hideo Kanemitsu & Hiroshi Ohnishi: An Input-Output analysis of technological changes in the Japanese economy: 1970-1980.

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