
The morphology of flame fronts propagating in reactive systems composed of randomly positioned, pointlike sources is studied. The solution of the temperature field and the initiation of new sources is implemented using the superposition of the Green's function for the diffusion equation, eliminating the need to use finite-difference approximations. The heat released from triggered sources diffuses outward from each source, activating new sources and enabling a mechanism of flame propagation. Systems of 40000 sources in a 200×200 two-dimensional domain were tracked using computer simulations, and statistical ensembles of 120 realizations of each system were averaged to determine the statistical properties of the flame fronts. The reactive system of sources is parameterized by two nondimensional values: the heat release time (normalized by interparticle diffusion time) and the ignition temperature (normalized by adiabatic flame temperature). These two parameters were systematically varied for different simulations to investigate their influence on front propagation. For sufficiently fast heat release and low ignition temperature, the front roughness [defined as the root mean square deviation of the ignition temperature contour from the average flame position] grew following a power-law dependence that was in excellent agreement with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class (β=1/3). As the reaction time was increased, lower values of the roughening exponent were observed, and at a sufficiently great value of reaction time, reversion to a steady, constant-width thermal flame was observed that matched the solution from classical combustion theory. Deviation away from KPZ scaling was also observed as the ignition temperature was increased. The features of this system that permit it to exhibit both KPZ and non-KPZ scaling are discussed.

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