
The present study was undertaken to address the yield through FLDs on brinjal vegetable crops. ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Narakkal, Kochi, Kerala. Five farmers field Conducted in demonstrations on brinjal vegetable crop since 2011-12 in different locations of the districts. Prevailing farmers’ practices were treated as control for comparison with recommended practices. In the one year’s data it was observed that mulching reduced weed count, labour required for weeding and frequency of irrigations. Adoption of Impractical helped in managed the incidence of pest and diseases. Due to this an average yield of 310.0 q/ha was obtained in demonstrated plot over farmers plots (280.0 q/ha) with an additional yield of 30.0 q/ha and the increasing the average brinjal productivity. The extension gap and technology gap ranged between 90.0q/ha, respectively, with the technology index of 22.5 per cent during the demonstration years. Besides this, the demonstrated plots gave higher gross return, net return with higher benefit cost ratio when compared to farmer’s practice.

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