
As a burgeoning literary form, online novels have rapidly ascended in recent years, captivating a large cohort of youthful readers. Propelled by the "Internet+" era, online novels have gradually expanded their influence, transitioning into popular culture more deeply through adaptation into film and television works. From its inception as online serialization to its contemporary reincarnation in visual media, online novels have not only borne witness to the digital transformation of literary creation, but have also emerged as a fresh wellspring of content for the film and television industry. Throughout the process of visualizing online novels, it is precisely this intermedial collaboration that enables originally virtual narratives to be visually presented, garnering a wider dissemination. Against the backdrop of the "Internet+" era, web series, as a critical form of visualizing online novels, are unveiling their distinctive allure and novel trends. By scrutinizing the diversified thematic creation, the application of new technologies, and the feedback from audience demands, it becomes evident that web series have evolved into a pivotal component of the cultural industry, embodying the new aesthetic and value orientations of the contemporary era.

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