
AbstractThe authors describe the plight of sex workers, a particularly disadvantaged community that is highly marginalized and vulnerable. Sex workers were hard hit by the pandemic. The authors examine the impact of COVID-19 on sex workers’ lives and livelihoods, their response to the crisis, and the strategies that they employed to battle the pandemic.During the lockdown, female sex workers lost their livelihoods which plunged them and their families into extreme poverty. Even when unlock measures were announced, the business of sex work did not return to normal. Sex work, by its very nature, demands physical proximity—not physical distancing. Consequently, sex workers had to innovate to find work to survive. Loss of livelihoods also brought forth hidden mental health problems. Gripped by anxiety and depression due to the uncertainty about when the pandemic would end, sex workers went into despair. Some even attempted suicide. Violence in the family increased significantly. For sex workers living with HIV, there was the added anxiety about the continuation of anti-retroviral therapy (ART). Community-based organizations (CBOs) took on the responsibility of providing drugs to sex workers by developing a unique supply chain. The CBO members collected the drugs from the health centers and deliver them to sex workers at a mutually convenient place, thereby ensuring confidentiality.The authors draw attention to sex workers who are invisible in most discourses. This vulnerable, marginalized community was seriously affected by the pandemic. Sex workers were victims but were also the first responders to the pandemic. Sex worker collectives formed to fight HIV, were by their very nature, well-equipped to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The government’s announcement to provide rations to the poor was a welcome move, but it was not of much help to sex workers as they did not possess ration cards. The sex worker collectives valiantly fought this battle and won. The Supreme Court of India directed the states to provide sex workers with dry rations without insisting on any proof.The stories of the lives and resilience of sex workers, narrated in this chapter, are inspiring. The authors discuss the plight of female sex workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The community of sex workers was missing from all government policies and welfare schemes. The sudden lockdown robbed them of their livelihoods. Basic necessities like food and shelter became elusive. The authors relate the stories of the struggles of sex workers from different parts of the country.They discuss how despite uncertainty, stigma, and loss of livelihoods, sex workers emerged strong. The resilient spirit of sex workers should be celebrated. The stories of sex workers have a common thread of resilience, resourcefulness, grit, and determination in the face of unsurmountable challenges.

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