
Sofradir infrared detectors manufacturing is based on the use of a Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) technology hybridized with silicon readout circuit covering a bandwidth from 0.8 to 14 μm thanks to the ability of MCT material to be tuned in terms of cut-off wavelength. Most of the time, infrared detectors are used to answer applications operating between 0.8 μm and 15 μm. New emerging applications express a need for detectors covering a larger waveband and in particular detectors with waveband sensitivity from the visible spectrum up to infrared spectrum. Some of these applications are for example hyperspectral applications where a panchromatic channel is generally associated to an infrared channel. For these applications, the availability of a detector covering these two channels can greatly simplify the instrument architecture. Other potential applications can be spectroscopic applications in visible range needing an extension of the sensitivity of the sensor in near infrared spectrum which cannot be answered with high performances by classical silicon sensors because of the loss of sensitivity between 0.8 μm and 1 μm. Physically, MCT material is able to operate in the visible range and has a potential to offer a high quantum efficiency and large field factor thanks to the hybrid structure. In addition, Sofradir N on P ion implantation process as well as Sofradir hybridization process offer specific advantages to develop high performances detectors sensitive both in visible and infrared spectra. This kind of detector can be an interesting alternative to answer applications needing a large waveband detector. In this paper, Sofradir approach to develop a new kind of detectors sensitive from visible to infrared spectra is presented. Potential applications and the interest of these new Sofradir detectors are discussed versus these needs. Finally, the last results and performances of these detectors are presented.

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