
The thyroid cancer had an increasing frequency during the last decades mostly related to better and accessible detection methods. The papillary type has the major epidemiologic impact. We present a case with mixed symptoms before surgery, a rare combination of both thyrotoxicosis and thyroid malignancy and an unusual pathologic report in a 56-year-old female known with total hysterectomy at age of 42, diagnosed with toxic goiter 2 years ago and under intermittent therapy with thiamazol. She presented for unspecific hot flashes and palpitation at gynaecology and she was referred for endocrine evaluation that revealed unspecific cervical compression complains, and a large goiter. The Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone was normal under thiamazol and so were the thyroid antibodies and calcitonin. The computed tomography pointed an isthmus and left lobe nodule of maximum 7.28 cm with mass effect on trachea. Total thyroidectomy was performed without any significant complications. The patient was hospitalised for 4 days (less than 48 hours postoperatively). The pathological report showed a papillary thyroid cancer (stage III) with oxyphil variant and an insular and solid pattern component. A high proliferative index is detected by vessels invasion and a ki-67 of 15 %. She received radioiodine therapy and then she started suppression levothyroxine treatment. The insular and oxyphilic pattern as well as the large tumour size of 6 cm suggest a severe prognosis. On the other hand, it is still a matter of debate whether non-autoimmune hyperthyroidism and solid pathologic features subscribe to the hypothesis of an aggressive cancer phenotype. Lifelong follow up is needed.

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