
Using first-principles calculations, we report that ZrO is a topological material with the coexistence of three pairs of type-II triply degenerate nodal points (TNPs) and three nodal rings (NRs), when spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is ignored. Noticeably, the TNPs reside around the Fermi energy with a large linear energy range along the tilt direction (>1 eV), and the NRs are formed by three strongly entangled bands. Under symmetry-preserving strain, each NR would evolve into four droplet-shaped NRs before fading away, producing distinct evolution compared with that in usual two-band NR. When SOC is included, TNPs would transform into type-II Dirac points while all of the NRs are gapped. Remarkably, the type-II Dirac points inherit the advantages of TNPs: residing around the Fermi energy and exhibiting a large linear energy range. Both features facilitate the observation of interesting phenomena induced by type-II dispersion. The symmetry protections and low-energy Hamiltonian for the nontrivial band crossings are discussed.

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